Skeptic North and the Ongoing Homeopathy Train Wreck

          Homeopathy Under Fire in the US, UK, Italy, Israel and Australia.

Death of the Ideal Scientologist, Konrad Aigner

Alongside a well-placed ad from the Cult of Scientology encouraging viewers to “Get the facts” is an article by John Brown entitled The Ideal Scientologist: Konrad Aigner. This must-read story summarizes the life and death in Scientology of Konrad Aigner. Aigner joined the cult in 1976, after leaving his family’s German farm to take up … Continue reading

Madeline Neumann and Why Society Should Stop Insulating Religion From Rational Scrutiny

On Wednesday Marathon Country District Attorney Jill Falstad annouced that Dale and Leilani Neumann would each be charged with second-degree reckless homicide (maximum punishment: 25 years in prison) for their failure to seek medical attention for their ailing daughter – relying instead on prayer – who withered away and died of a treatable form of … Continue reading

Tom Cruise, you’re totally killin’ my mellow, dude…

From The Shallow End: “Actor Tom Cruise is apparently blowing smoke that a new strand of medical marijuana, ‘Tom Cruise Purple’ has been named in his honour. A devout Scientologist, Tom is totally opposed to prescription medicine – even the herbal type it seems – and is apparently considering legal action. One of Tom’s mates, … Continue reading

If they’re so concerned about modesty, why do these Muslims think they’re so special?

The UK-based Telegraph reports: Muslim medical students* are refusing to obey hygiene rules brought in to stop the spread of deadly superbugs, because they say it is against their religion. Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing … Continue reading

GlaxoSmithKline occused of hiding information on suicide risk of Paxil

Analysis of recently released internal GlaxoSmithKline memos and reports is suggesting that GSK had obscured data indicating that Paxil (paroxetine), a popular and profitable antidepressant medication, produces an eightfold increase in suicide risk. GSK is accused of having engaged in obviously illegitimate scientific practices in the analysis and presentation of data so as to not display … Continue reading

Backlash: Proponents of Complementary & Alternative Medicine take issue with David Colquhoun

During his recent visit to Toronto, Dr. David Colquhoun, Pharmacologist at University College London, appeared on CBC Radio‘s Sunday Edition. As usual, he made many damning remarks about the validity of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Notably, Colquhoun asserts that an appropriate means of categorizing the different types of medicine is not scientific versus CAM, … Continue reading

Reminder: Royal Society member and noted skeptic Dr. David Colquhoun at U of T TONIGHT

Tonight the University of Toronto Secular Alliance, Freethought Association of Canada, Centre For Inquiry Ontario, and Skeptics Canada are teaming up with University College London professor, Royal Society member, and noted skeptic Dr. David Colquhoun to present Science in an Age of Endarkenment: Scientific Fraud, Quackery, Religion and University Politics at the University of Toronto. This is … Continue reading