Mental Health Risks For Political Activists

  We’ve heard of mental health risks for trauma victims, models, high-performance athletes, people in the public eye, soldiers, executives, people living in poverty, and many other social demographics. As a political activist who studies and works in healthcare, is currently on a placement in a mental health unit, and has had personal struggles with … Continue reading

Heartbreaking story of how Church of Scientology’s psychological abuse and indoctrination pushed father, John Boucher, toward suicide

The daughter of John Boucher spoke at the Washington DC March 15 Anonymous Scientology picket about how the Cult of Scientology’s psychological abuse and indoctrination led Boucher to believe that he was a Suppressive Person (SP), that this was his fault, and that this is the reason why he was unable to be well and progress … Continue reading

90 day Ron

In 90 days I will still most likely find it to have been unjustifiably inconsiderate to, as an art project, create a blog entitled 90DayJane in which a person calling herself Jane claims that she plans on committing suicide in 90 days. While I don’t think this Jane is a bad person, this was surely a … Continue reading

GlaxoSmithKline occused of hiding information on suicide risk of Paxil

Analysis of recently released internal GlaxoSmithKline memos and reports is suggesting that GSK had obscured data indicating that Paxil (paroxetine), a popular and profitable antidepressant medication, produces an eightfold increase in suicide risk. GSK is accused of having engaged in obviously illegitimate scientific practices in the analysis and presentation of data so as to not display … Continue reading