Interested in the Cognitive Science of Meditation, Mindfulness, Intelligence and Cognitive Function?

I recently discovered a great blog on ScienceBlogs entitled Developing Intelligence. Produced by University of Colarado at Boulder Cognitive Neuroscience graduate student, Chris Chatham, Developing Intelligence profiles fascinating current Cognitive Science research on mindfulness meditation and other means of training attention. Specifically, Chatham discusses demonstrated effects of mental training techniques on attention, meta-cognition and executive … Continue reading

An electrifying video on Atheist statistics

Atheism is on the rise, atheists are disproportionately educated and intelligent, and are underrepresented in prisons, divorce statistics, and a wide variety of social ills. For more, watch this extremely well-made video. (Click here if video is not working for you) Hat Tip: Friendly Atheist

Are Creationists retarded? No…

(Originally from Family Guy; Online Source: De Rerum Natura)